Join the BatsLive Webcast to Learn More About these Incredible Animals

BatsLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure is an exciting, free education program for children in the 4-8th grades and their educators, that will bring bat conservation to life in your classroom or community.

Bats are essential to the health of our natural world. They help control insect pests and are vital pollinators and seed-dispersers for countless plants. Yet these wonderfully diverse and beneficial creatures are among the least studied and most misunderstood of animals.

Centuries of myths and misinformation still generate needless fears and threaten bats and their habitats around the world. Bat populations are declining almost everywhere, especial due to the devastating White-nose syndrome. Losing bats would have devastating consequences for natural ecosystems and human economies. Knowledge is the key.

The more than 1,200 species of bats – about one-fifth of all mammal species – are incredibly diverse. They range from the world’s smallest mammal, the tiny bumblebee bat that weighs less than a penny to giant flying foxes with six-foot wingspans. Except for the most extreme desert and polar regions, bats have lived in almost every habitat on Earth since the age of the dinosaurs.

Free Live Webcast from Bracken Bat Cave
September 18 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BATS, JOIN BATSLIVE for a free live webcast from Bracken Bat Cave in Texas on Sept. 18 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. ET.  With millions of Mexican free-tailed bats living in the cave from March through October, Bracken holds one of the largest concentrations of mammals on earth.  CLICK HERE for more information.

A distance learning adventure was held for students on May 17, 2012. CLICK HERE to watch the webcast. CLICK HERE for frequently asked questions about bats.

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One Response to Join the BatsLive Webcast to Learn More About these Incredible Animals

  1. Jeremy Ryan Barlow says:

    This was very informative – thanks for sharing all the great info about bats! It was cool to see them all exiting the cave as it was getting dark. I would love to see more Webcasts like this.


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